101年度 2學期 課程大綱    
科目代號:FE3380 開課號:1941F

The internet has changed everything.It is transforming the world’s economy. It has radically changed the way people live, learn, work, play and consume. It has been a revolution which has changed the way businesses operate in a highly technological landscape brought about by the internet and the Worldwide Web. The aims of this course are:
• To equip present and future executives, managers and strategists to become successful in the sweeping change which is e-Commerce and the New Economy.
• To provide a thorough understanding of what the global economy is and the knowledge and skills needed to be successful in Electronic Commerce.
To provide the knowledge, skills and techniques to harness the power of the Internet and e-Commerce to achieve competitive advantage in the New Economy.
• To develop the necessary business language proficiency, including vocabulary, grammar and writing, to empower students of e-Commerce to become effective communicators in the global economy.
• To provide a dynamic and interactive learning medium that is practical and real world, rather than merely theoretical.
This Course is designed to present a working definition and framework for the study and practice of e-Commerce.
二、 符合校基本素養:
培養愛護鄉里的情懷 厚植公民意識 促進職場倫理與態度
與時俱進的學習能力 社會生活知能 職場專業技能
Basic level of English proficiency for students. Students are required to participate in all aspects of the class by asking and answering questions and participating in group activities. Students are encouraged to use the class material at home to get maximum benefit from the course. It is not feasible to fully cover all aspects of the curriculum and exercises in the short nine week course, therefore the depth of knowledge and understanding should come from the effort put into the class in the student’s own time, including: reading the course material and preparing the group presentations
Lectures, powerpoint presentations. Student active participation in group activities and challenges. Student group presentations on given topics, including the final group presentation.
第一次Introduction,Overview of Electronic Commerce ,Group activity
第二次eCommerce presentation,SEO – Search engine optimization,Reading and understanding business plans,Group activity
第三次Amazon.com case study,Article analyses,Website design,Quiz
第四次eCommerce presentation,Internet marketing tips and strategies,Reading and interpreting financial statements,Group activity
第五次Designing, developing and implementing your eCommerce site,Reading and understanding financial statements,Article analyses
第六次A deeper understanding of eCommerce site design,Group Activity,Reading and interpreting business plans,The future of eCommerce
第七次The secrets and power of blogging,Creating, designing and monetizing your blog for,immediate profit,Understanding financial plans,Quiz
第八次Review,Final Group Presentations
第九次Final Exam.
平時次數 (Quiz - Frequency) (Times) 次 (2 Times)
平時成績比例 (Quiz Percentage) % (20%)
期中考成績比例 (Mid-term Exam Grade Percentage) Group Presentation 30%.
期末考成績比例 (Final Exam Grade Percentage) 50%
Final Presentation topic: Choose a particular company in Taiwan that you know. Describe how they have effectively utilized e-Commerce to achieve competitive advantage. Describe their strategy and the implementation of their online marketing strategy. Describe how their e-Commerce strategy differs from their competitors. Measure their performance and forecast how they will perform in the future.
平時次數2次  平時成績比例20%  期中考成績比例30%  期末考成績比例50
註: 1.本校學則第二十五條第二項規定「學生在學期中缺課達二分之一以上者得扣考,該學生扣考科目考試成績概以零分計算」。
Digital material, handouts, booklets. Students will not be expected to purchase a textbook. The class material will be supplied digitally and in the form of handouts.
2013/2/20 , 2013/3/6 , 2013/3/20 , 2013/3/27 , 2013/4/17 , 2013/5/1 ,
2013/5/22 , 2013/5/29 , 2013/6/19
更新日期:2012/12/7 下午 05:31:41

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